Lynn Gape

Lynn Gape is a former school teacher in The Bahamas and the former deputy Executive Director of the Bahamas National Trust (BNT). Lynn holds a wealth of knowledge about the history of conservation in The Bahamas and is one of The Bahamas’ premier experts on institutional advancement and philanthropic partnerships. Her background includes leadership roles in NGO management and operations, education, outreach, community relations, and curriculum development. She is “the heart” of any team she joins, and a conservation champion known throughout the region.

Renowned for her groundbreaking work to save the Bahama Parrot, Lynn has made significant contributions to various crucial national-level projects. Lynn is a sought-after mentor in the Bahamian conservation community, having supported the early careers of many if not most who work in the field today. She has lived in The Bahamas for most of her life, and her life has been one of many eras. Her career wisdom ranges from that of a Dock Master of a bustling shipping-receiving business to a lauded career as a school teacher to a generation of Bahamians including now-Cabinet Ministers and their peers. Then began her work in conservation and philanthropy at the BNT. Lynn now acts as the Special Projects consultant to the BNT Executive Director and BNT Council. She also assists the Bahamian Government on process management, regulatory policy, and stakeholder engagement and for decades she has been a key advisor to local and international philanthropic initiatives.

Lynn is adept at developing and cultivating meaningful relationships across the public, private, and philanthropic sectors. She has been an incredible champion for the BNT with a demonstrated track record of securing several six and seven-figure gifts which have been critical in supporting the BNT’s mission and its many special projects. Lynn serves on several national-level boards and commissions and is the passionate AKC-level dog trainer of two Australian shepherds: Dancer and Drummer.


We create and manage coral restoration practices within organizations and businesses throughout The Bahamas and the Caribbean. Our goal is to help organizations and businesses see how coral restoration benefits the educational, recreational, economic and scientific agendas of the entire region.